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New people+people survey on the Digital Native generation

What do the Digital Native expect from their future employer?


The latest People+People survey shows evident patterns regarding the Digital Native's expectations to his or her future employer. We have scrutinized how important the Digital Native generation finds criteria such as social life in the company, whether teamwork or internationalization has something to say and whether the next generation rather prefer job-, company- and career-switching or instead of a long, developing career in one single company.


The next generation is about to enter the labour force. Trades and industries cannot neglect the fact, that knowledge of employer branding and of this gap between the generations will play a central role in the future. If you know how to deal with this, you possess the important tools to attract these young employees.


Contact us for results and further information.


Good New for Danish Exports to Germany


Tyskland vil også i 2020 være Danmarks største og vigtigste handelspartner

I slutningen af september udgav Udenrigsministeriet rapporten “Vækstatlas 2020” (
klik hér for at downloade). Her fremgår det, at de især er de asiatiske lande og USA, som vil bidrage til verdens vækst hen mod år 2020. De europæiske lande er ikke lige frem overrepræsenterede - kun Storbritannien, Tyskland og Polen er med på listen over de 25 lande, der bidrager mest til verdens vækst hen mod 2020.

Til gengæld påpeger Udenrigsministeriet, at Danmarks nabolande og især Tyskland er vigtige nærmarkeder, “hvor danske virksomheder har relativt bedre muligheder for at konkurrere internationalt og også kan forvente store bidrag til øget eksport“. Tyskland bidrager med 4,1 % af den årlige vækst i dansk eksport, svarende til 3,9 mia € - svarende til 29,25 mia kr. pr. år - alene i vækst.

Vi kan hjælpe dig og din virksomhed med at få del i dette vækstpotentiale.
Kontakt os for mere information.

Marianne Danling from people+people live on Danish television

New member of the team

We are glad to announce that Christine Louise Hermansen will join us in Berlin from February on.

Christine is doing an internship as part of her master in Corporate Communications at the University of Aarhus.

We look forward to an exiting Spring with Christine as part of the team.

Cultural Awareness Makes Misunderstandings History

With cultural awareness you will NOT lose business deals. You will be aware that people see, interpret and evaluate things differently and know what is considered suitable in one culture is frequently unsuitable in another. Misinterpretations will be limited and business a success.


Throughout the company different ways of communicating are present, e.g. HR, Marketing, Sales, R&D, Communication, therefore cultural awareness is not only needed when you communicate with other countries, but also departments within the company


.Intercultural Competencies Are the Foundation of Successful BusinessFact is 70% of all failed mergers are caused by cultural differences and according to an international poll nearly 2/3 of the employers state that intercultural awareness is very important to their organization.


With cultural awareness training you will gain an understanding of cultural differences and their influence on our way of acting and communicating. The aim of the training is to make cultural dissimilarities conscious and make misunderstandings history. That knowledge is vital for success in negotiations and co-operation.In short cultural awareness gives better bottom line. Contact me if you want to see positive results too.

     +49 170 2366 994

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